Friday, May 23, 2008


I like to use myspace. I have used photobucket before but this was a first experience with flickr. I think it is interesting to see what people will put on their pages.


Originally uploaded by grayc1
Trying out flickr. This is a nature shot that I added to my flickr page.

sleepy kitten - closeup

sleepy kitten - closeup
Originally uploaded by jena ardell
I have never used flickr before today. I found some cute photos!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Blogging in libraries

Not sure on how this could be used in libraries as I do not understand enough about how it works!

7 1/2 Habits

I think these are basic habits that are a part of everyday life of any successful person.

The most difficult part will be to put it in writing as I do not like to write!